Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Mysterious "Tall Man"

Every organization has that one guy that just gets things done. The guy you go to when you need anything. Here, no one seems to know his name, but our the team captain and translator calls him simply the "tall man.” One day she said to me, "You need something, you ask Tall Man, and he will give." That about sums it up!

First of all, he is not really that tall. He is maybe my height or an inch shorter, under 6 feet for sure. Many of the speed skaters that I see around the training center seem much taller, but he is our “tall man.” Also, I am not sure what his job actually is, but when you need something, no matter who you as or what you ask for, he is the person who gets it done.

A couple days ago, I asked one of the team leaders about the stipend for myself and Tim. A day later, the “tall man” showed up with our money and a form to sign. He drives the team bus, and is a very good driver. He arrives in the kitchen with food and supplies often, and he is the dispenser of the fruit. Every couple days, some fruit arrives and he organizes it and divides among everyone to bring back to our rooms. Tim needs passport photos, so, “ask the tall man.” We need a ride to the airport, “ask the tall man.” You need more heat in your room, “ask the tall man.”

The other day I was planning the training schedule and was told that I have to inform the “tall man” when meal and shower times will be. Apparently, he turns the hot water on and organizes the kitchen staff too. Clearly an invaluable person is this mysterious “tall man.”

And to top it all off, I have found that he is a very nice man, always smiling and joking (pictured on right). I truly hope he never gets sick, because then nothing will get done!


At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does he help with the "talent" situation as well?

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in China people like the "tall man" is in place to be in charge of general affairs -- every and each issue, big and small, that supports the main function


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