Friday, April 21, 2006


I have been home for about a week and a half now, that is why my postings have subsided considerably. I had a nice view out the plane window on the way home, although most of the view was of ICE over the North Pole.

Thanks to everyone who read my blog!


At 1:15 AM, Blogger FriscoGoalieCoach said...

Hello Mr Stone! How are you doing? I am writing to you from Ottawa, Ont. Canada. I spent the whole morning reading about your Chinese experience in Harbin. I've searched a lot for some info on the web about chinese hockey but couldn't find anything, or almost. Why am I interested in Harbin and chinese hockey? A few years ago, I read a GREAT book called The Tropic of Hockey by a Toronto musician and hockey nut, Dave Bidini. I've always been interested in "world hockey". I ave family playing pro in fRance where my uncle is the ice hockey federation president and I have played in Albera, Quebec, in Salt Lake City and in Slovenia where I played and coached (I am a goalie coach) the Slovenian Womens hockey team. I am still involved with goalie coaching with AA hockey here in the Ottawa area. I would like to know more about you, your coaching and your travelling. PPPPPPPPPPlease write back! Your blogs are AWESOME and I cannot wait to share about hockey travelling with you.Thank you so much, yours truly,
-Francois Lemay-
Ottawa, CANADA

At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan, Ryan here. (I always wanted to say that). Just wondering if there's been any updates on what's happening with the Chinese National Woman's Hockey Team? You returning to coach?

Also, curious if you've any desire to return to China after having spent some time in the coldest bits! :-)


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