Friday, March 10, 2006

"Creepy" forecast and a Night out with the Pei’s

So, we have decided the forecast for today is “Creepy.” It is like we are permanently in sepia tones, as everything just looks amber. It is like that movie “Pleasantville” except that instead of being stuck in black and white the world is in sepia tones. It is a little warmer today, high 30’s, and there are lots of strange smells and bad air. It is just creepy, that is the only way to describe it. If you took all of my previous Harbin photos and converted them to sepia, that is what today looks like.

Anyway, three nights ago, we were treated to a dinner out with the Pei family. It was the night before “Women’s Day." It is tradition that the families go out to dinner so that the Mom does not have to cook. We had our own private room with dinner and our own private karaoke machine. We met more of the extended family. At the dinner were Mr and Mrs. Pei, Pei Ying, her little sister, two uncles, one aunt and a younger cousin. We had some good food, and lots of laughs as the Karaoke started. Mr. Pei is a very good singer and was again pretty drunk with all the toasting. Her younger sister sang "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion in English and it was not bad. Pei Ying's aunt is a doctor and her husband a policeman. Her other uncle is unmarried and a police chief, responsible for an entire district in Harbin. It was a fun evening and again, like on the Chinese New Year, they made Tim and I feel like part of their family.

Go to my .mac homepage for more pictures.


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